This musical fairytale features both the story of Luna's train ride,
and her musical journey through eleven captivating and expressive solos.
The drama peaks when the dragon throws her beloved flute into the sea
....poor Luna!!
Kids are enticed into at times, playing with joyful exuberance,
and at other moments to express sad homesickness.
In the end, Luna learns the "Power of True Friends"
and finally the comfort of being back home with her family.
Luna's Magic Flute uses key signatures of up to 2 flats and 2 sharps.
The range is from low D to the third octave A,
but most of the music stays in a moderate range of the flute.
The pieces are slightly easier than those found in "
Flutes at Play"
and are appropriate for anyone playing in the Blocki Student Book 2 or 3.
All flutists will love reading, listening and playing these expressive pieces. They are wonderful for either having student play and read the story at recitals, or as a professional playing and reading the story for a children's concert.
Even beginners will love listening to the story
and captivating playing of flutist Ana Pucihar.
The "Playful Pony" from
Luna's Magic Flute is a part of the ABRSM
(Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music) Syllabus. Grade 5.
Flute at Play"
is on the ABRSM recommended list.