National Flute Association Conference

August 11-14th Charlotte, NC
The Inclusive Studio: Tools for Teaching
Diverse Learners" Thursday, August 11 at 11:30am.
Presenters:  Kathy Blocki, Stacey Steele, and Marilyn Resmini

Australia Flute Festival
Canberra, AU
Pre-Festival Professional Learning Day-
From Braces to Teardrops-Beautiful Tone for Every Flutist-by Kathy Blocki
on Friday, September 30, 2011 at the ANU School of Music.
Five-Notes to Flying Fingers -
on Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ontario Music Educators Conference
Huntsville, ON November 3-5, 2011
Kathy Blocki Clinician:
"A Live First Flute Lesson for Teaching Great Tone"
Saturday, November 5th at 10:15 am

From 5-Notes to Flying Fingers
Saturday, November 5th at 3:15

Mid-South Flute Festival
Saturday, March 19th at 12:00
Rebecca Hovan-Clinician
Strategies for Success with Beginners and Beyond

 2011 Indiana University Flute Festival March 5th

Rebecca Hovan and Kathy Blocki-Clinics and Recital

6th Annual Inspiration and Praise Flute Master Class with

Tadeu Coelho
Kathy Blocki
Amanda Barrett

June 14-18, 2010
Second Presbyterian Church
105 River Street
Greenville, SC 29601

The master class is open to flutists from high school and above. Mr. Coelho's approach to flute is based on Gen. 2:7. He believes that God gave him a special talent with the flute and that it is possible not only to honor the Lord with our instruments and talents, but also to teach music and flute techniques through a Christian perspective.
"Your hearts will rejoice as when people go up with flutes to the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel." Isaiah 30:29
Master Class Topics:
How to keep your faith in today's world
Daily exercises, scales and more scales!
Audition Preparation
Orchestral excerpts
Stage Presence
Circular breathing
Ensembles, and more.

Soli Deo Gloria
What Participants said about the 2009 Class:

“He [Tadeu Coelho] takes the individual’s gifts and musical talents and gives instruction to bring out the best flute player in you.”

“It was so fun to work with Kathy [Blocki] in the flute choir setting. We learned so much from her as she is so clear with instruction and her interpretation and musicianship [are] so expressive.”

“The masterclass was so organized and interesting. The environment is supportive, encouraging, and uplifting.”

“Tadeu was fantastic, genius, funny - such a blessing!”

“Her [Kathy’s] pedagogy workshops were great. I also enjoyed playing in the flute choir.”

“Tadeu is terrific. He is able to bring everyone’s level of playing up regardless of how advanced they are.”

“[Esther’s lecture on extended technique] was terrific. I learned a lot. We could tell she loves talking about this subject.”

Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic 63rd Conference 

McCormick Place West, Chicago, Illinois December 15-19, 2009

 Terrific Tone at the Flutist's FIRST Lesson

Presented by Kathy Blocki

Slippery Rock University

October 2009- Teaching the Beginning Flutist presented by Kathy Blocki


National Flute Convention Aug. 13-16th New York City

Friday August 14th. 2009 3:15–3:40 pm    Duffy/Columbia

A Stress-Free approach to Teaching the Rhythmically Challenged 

presenter Rebecca Hovan

Friday August 15th. 2009 1–1:25 pm   Duffy/Columbia

Innovative Instruction = Terrific Tone

(Even in a Beginner’s First Lesson!)

Through observing a first lesson with a new student, participants will see how amazing a student can sound, even after playing for only 25minutes.

Kathy Blocki, presenter.


June 15-19, 2009 Flute as Inspiration and Praise Masterclass

Greenville, SC

Classes on Teaching Beginning will be offered June 15th and 6th at 3:30. These sessions will be open to band directors and flute teachers.

For more info please email [email protected]

with Tadeu Coehlo, Kathy Blocki, and Amanda Barrett


NAMM Show 2009 Anahein, CA

January 20-23

Inroducing the Newly Designed Pneumo Pro


Blocki Flute Intensive Teacher's Training Seminar

Kathy Blocki and Rebecca Hovan

For Flute Teachers, Woodwind Techniques Professors, College Students, and Band Directors

August 5-6, 2008

Kansas City, Missouri  Hyatt Rgency Crown Center

Tennesse Music Educators Association State Convention

Nashville Convention Center and Renaissance Hotel

Nashvillle, TN

 Flute Clinics

with Kathy Blocki 

April 17, 2008

sponsored by the Conn-Selmer Co.


 Carnegie Mellon University

April 21, 2008

Teaching the Beginning Flutist

Pittsburgh, PA


Elementary School Bandfest- Bradford, PA

Teaching the Flute with Kathy Blocki

May 15, 2008

sponsored by Robert Sides Music and Conn Selmer Co.


Flute as Inspiration and Praise Masterclass

Greenville, SC  June 9-13, 2008

with Tadeu Coehlo, Kathy Blocki, Irna Priori and Amanda Barrett


National Flute Convention-New Mexico

August 7-9, 2008

Two Pedagogy Sessions with Kathy Blocki and Rebecca Hovan